Pejman Karegar

Research Objectives

Green Wildlife Sensor Network: The Challenges of using Data Ferry Drones: Opportunistic Data Collection

Wildlife monitoring is defined as the observation and study of the wildlife by collecting data which enables us with a better understanding of our natural surroundings. Wildlife monitoring is a vital activity to sustain the populations of animals which are prone to extinction. Protecting the animals in the wildlife requires controlling or even eradicating the predators. Animals trap status monitoring using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can be a promising solution to control the population of predators by structuring and maintaining them over a wide area. The challenge of traps sensor network is tied in with reducing the radio pollution in a big forest where it is required to collect the data from exceedingly dense or sparse network. Collection of the traps data may take place through communicating the data horizontally. This may require a significant amount of energy per node and will flood the forest with radio energy. An alternative approach may be through vertical communication of data. Hence, utilizing a drone as a regular data ferry that collects data from the sensors on the ground may offer a better solution.

The aim of this research is to explore an energy-efficient system for the UAV-enabled data gathering by WSN to satisfy quality-of-service (QoS) requirements for on-demand deployment. The research will be focused on designing a UAV’s trajectory optimisation paradigm considering an energy efficient and reliable communication protocol among sensor nodes.


  • Pejman A. Karegar and Adnan Al-Anbuky "Travel Path Planning for UAV as a Data Collector for a Sparse WSN" 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Sensors and Drones in Internet of Things (Wi-DroIT) 2021, July 14-16, 2021, Virtual, co-located with DCOSS 2021.
  • Karegar, P. A. (2018). Wireless fingerprinting indoor positioning using affinity propagation clustering methods. Wireless Networks, 24(8), 2825-2833.
  • Karegar, P. A. (2015). A new approach in wireless sensor network fingerprinting localization by affinity propagation and K-nearest neighbor method. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, 4(5), 335-337.
    • Tools/Software/Testbed