Khalid Al Naime

    PhD Candidate

    MSc Telecommunication Engineering 'Adaptive Power and Rate for CDMA Mobile Systems, Iraq- Baghdad 2005

    BSc Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Iraq- Baghdad 2003


    Phone: +64 9 921 9999 Ext. 6218

Research Objectives

Cyber Physical Systems and Cancer Patient Prehabilitation

Physical fitness and level of activity are considered important factors for patients with cancer undergoing major abdominal surgery. These patients are often given exercise programs (prehabilitation) prior to surgery aimed at improving fitness to reduced perioperative risk. However, in New Zealand, only a small proportion of patients are currently involved in exercise prehabilitation in a supervised hospital-based prehabilitation setting. Furthermore, a number of these patients live in remote locations and it is often difficult for health professionals to accurately monitor and provide feedback on exercise and activity levels. Therefore, this research tries to answer the following questions. What is the involvement of abdominal cancer patient prehabilitation process and related progression stages? What are the activities involved and the approach for sensing and classification? Several sensor devices have been developed to measure levels of activity. However, a key limitation of these devices is their limited ability to analyze and process data into meaningful information that is available to patients and health professionals. Accordingly, the research aims to develop a Cyber-Physical System that can remotely monitor and provide feedback on activities involved in the prehabilitation of patients undergoing major abdominal surgery.

Preliminary focus has been on the development of methods that detect type and intensity of 10 physical activities. The testing and monitoring were done by using a single tri-axial accelerometer sensor for data collection at four different body locations. These are wrist and ankle on both left and right sides.Accelerometer information was analyzed using FFT technique to extract the dominant frequency and amplitude values for each activity.

Journal Papers

  • Al-Naime K., Al-Anbuky A., Mawston, G. “Remote Monitoring Model for the Pre-operative Prehabilitation Program of Patients Requiring Abdominal Surgery”, Journal of Future Internet, Special Issue on Human & Computer Interaction Models and Experiences for IoT Systems and Edge Computing, April 2021.
  • Gupta A, Al-Naime K, Al-Anbuky A, “IoT Environment for Monitoring Human Movements: Hip Fracture Rehabilitation Case”, Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1387: 44-63. 01 Jan 2021.
  • Akash Gupta, Khalid-Al-Naime and Adnan-Al-Anbuky, IoT Based Testbed for Human Movement Activity Monitoring and Presentation, Proceedings of ICT4AWE 2020, 2-5 May 2020, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
  • Khalid Al-Naime, Adnan Al-Anbuky and Grant Mawston, “Human Movement Monitoring and Analysis for Prehabilitation Process Management”, J. Sens. Actuator Netw. 2020, 9(1), 9,
    • Tools/Software/Testbed