Akash Gupta

    Masters of Engineering Studies, PhD Candidate

    Email: Akashrocksc63@gmail.com

    Phone: +64 9 921 9999 Ext. 6218

    Mobile: +64 27 527 4024

Research Objectives

Ubiquitous Healthcare Realtime Activity Monitoring of Elderly Patients

The occurrence of elderly people falling each year is increasing immensely and some of the causes are the age, frailty level and poorer balance etc. This is further leading to hip fracture, limb and traumatic brain injuries, which is a big concern. In spite of proper medical attention given to related patient’s, the mortality rate is still increasing because many people lose their ability to live independently. However, it becomes important to facilitate an active monitoring, which can help in building autonomy and motivation. Ideally these would benefit from active monitoring of activities of daily living (ADL) using wireless sensors attached to the body.

The focus of this study aims in exploring the key research question “Could online activity monitoring help in providing early preventive measures and accelerate the return of physical functions during the rehabilitation process?”

Wireless body area network helps in providing ubiquitous healthcare monitoring as it tracks and indicates the activity level and provide significant information about the patient’s health. The research will look into analysing patient’s activity patterns and in modelling the event detection process. It will also look into establishing an accurate sensing system, and designing an accurate activity identification algorithm.

The outcome from this research is to provide a method for developing an elderly patient’s activity monitoring system that can help in long-term care through detecting and in real-time the daily physical activities of individuals with the ability of highlighting important events.

Journal Papers

  • Gupta, A. and Al-Anbuky, “An IoT-Based Patient Movement Monitoring: The Post-Operative Hip Fracture Rehabilitation Model” (2021) Special Issue on Mobility and Cyber-Physical Intelligence, Future Internet Volume 13 Issue 8 10.3390/fi13080195, https://www.mdpi.com/1999-5903/13/8/195
  • Gupta A, Al-Naime K, Al-Anbuky A, “IoT Environment for Monitoring Human Movements: Hip Fracture Rehabilitation Case”, Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1387: 44-63. 01 Jan 2021.
  • A Gupta, A Al-Anbuky and P McNair, “Activity Classification Feasibility Using Wearables: Considerations for Hip Fracture” J. Sens. Actuator Netw. 2018, 7(4), 54; https://doi.org/10.3390/jsan7040054
  • Conference Papers